Telescope Lens Phone
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Related Reviews
Gianluca Vaccaro
Meglio del previsto
Adoro il Magnetic Phone Lens Filter Kit. La clip per telefono e l'anello adattatore magnetico semplificano il passaggio da un obiettivo all'altro e il loro fissaggio al telefono, e la qualità degli obiettivi stessi è di prim'ordine. Il design compatto e la custodia per il trasporto lo rendono facile da portare con me in giro, e il rapporto qualità-prezzo è imbattibile. Lo consiglio vivamente a chiunque voglia migliorare il proprio gioco di fotografia mobile.
Binocolo da teatro nero
Prima di tutto, grazie al fornitore per aver incluso questi occhiali gemelli nel: Aomekie Astronomical Telescope. durante l'offerta. Binocolo da teatro, bello in nero e buono, può essere utilizzato ovunque. Puoi acquistarli separatamente da: Aomekie Astronomical Telescope. I 2 prodotti insieme sono offerti a Natale. Potremo commentare la prestazione. Crediamo che non rimarremo delusi da questo comando.
Great Power Bank for GoPro on Travel
Great in holding charge... charging my mobile phone 4X before next charge. Using with GoPro HERO 5 at 1080p/30fps/Normal for 7-8 hrs non-stop. All-in-All it's perfect for what I need. 100% Recommended
Easy installation, easy to use!
Wireless Digital Microscope 10X-400X, 10DM USB Handheld Microscope Camera with 8 LED Lights, Portable Brightness Adjustable Microscope for Adults/Kids 8+ Compatible with Android, iPhone and PC. This microscope is a lot of fun and can be used with the base or can be detached and can use it anywhere. It syncs wirelessly to my cell phone so my phone screen is the image the microscope is looking at. This has gotten to be both fun and not because of all the things I keep looking at with it until I started looking at my face and oh god! the amount of impurities and hair that my naked eye can't see is bad! lol. So look at your own risk, but definitely it's worth buying it and would buy again. 5 out of 5 stars. I recommend this item.
Perfect microscope to get the kids interested in science
This little microscope is great to get the kids interested in Science. My 6 year old was marveled at all the things we put under the lens. Setting it up wasn't very straightforward, even though it includes instructions. You have to download an app from the Appstore and pair your phone to the microscope. A downside to this is that it requires a dedicated wifi connection between your phone and the device, which means that if you're using the microscope, you will lose your wifi connectivity in order to connect directly to the microscope. The kit includes some empty slides for you to create your own samples, but it also comes with 6 prepared slides, including an ant, a cross section of a pumpkin seed, a cross section of a corn kernel, and others. Pretty cool to see things up so close. Would make a great gift for kids in elementary or middle school.
Slip N Slide
Great fun for my teenage boys and me(Dad). Surprising image quality!!
Great fun and easy to use for my 12 & 14 yr old boys and I. The camera part is easily used by itself and we ended up looking at everything we could grab. The camera has light +/- control buttons and focus control right on it. The kit comes with blank glass slides and a set of prepared slides with different specimens. The camera and stage both have their own battery and the lighting on the stage is great! Very bright and RGB full color changing to highlight different slides. The app is straight forward, I use it on an Android phone, but it also says it can connect to PC and Apple. The 3 photos were taken from the app on my phone. My boys never knew about micro printing on US bills, so that was fun. The other two were from the included slides. We keep thinking of more things to look at close up.
Stacey Collins
Great value, does the job I need it to do
Awesome filter for the price. It does exactly what I wanted to do after I bought a ND400 and didn't get the results I wanted. I'm using this for phone pictures honestly. I converted a extra phone case with thread attachments and a step up ring permanently. I can use 43mm and 55mm regular camera filters and I'm now experimenting with lenses and it's working well ESPECIALLY THIS ND FILTER. I'm adding a photo of a picture I took with this filter on my phone case attachment on my Galaxy note 10.
Palmira Graziosi
Caricabatterie per i-phone
Ottimo acquisto. Lo consiglio.
Related Faq
Posso mettere 526gb micro sd card? Se non, posso usare altre schede micro sd 32gb per scattare più foto?
Non è possibile utilizzare 526GB Micro SD Card, questa fotocamera digitale supporta maxium 32GB Micro SD Card (32GB Class10 U1 Micro SD Card è stato raccomandato). Grazie per la gentile richiesta. 
Quanto peso può portare una singola cinghia?
Fotocamere non consigliate che pesano più di 6 libbre. 
Can I use my phone to view the photos I took?
You need to insert the sd card into the card reader, make sure your card reader is compatible with your phone, according to the card reader's guide you can view the photos and videos stored on the sd card with your phone. 
What is the meaning of the transparent film in front of the lens
It is not aluminum foil, but a slightly sticky plastic film that covers the lens to protect it during transportation, peel it off before use, otherwise it will affect the sensing sensitivity 
Can this work with fuji lens?
Look at the front of your Fuji lens. Do you see fine threads... like you could screw a filter on there? Then probably yes. If you see threads, look for the number that says what size they are. 
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K&F M10111 M42 Lenses to Fuji X Lens Mount Adapter
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