Sigma Lenses For Pentax K Mount
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Adattatore per Obiettivi Canon FD a Fotocamere Samsung NX
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Armando S.
Adatto a un sigma 16
Prodotto eccellente e vestibilità perfetta
L'adattatore M12121 Canon EF Lenses to M43 MFT Lens Mount Adapter è realizzato con materiali di ottima qualità. Si adatta perfettamente sia al corpo della fotocamera che all'adattatore. Sono soddisfatto dell'acquisto.
Peiman Toktam
Il miglior obiettivo Prime E Mount economico
Il miglior obiettivo Prime E Mount economico
Ottimo rapporto qualità/prezzo
Lo uso con Pentax K3 e Sigma 50-500 per quasi 3kg di peso, funziona perfettamente
ottimo per 24mm 1.4 sigma!
Qualità impressionante e valore più impressionante.
I’ll start this review with a couple of points: I was already familiar with K&F Concept, as I have several of their lens adapters (available here and elsewhere) to use vintage lenses on modern digital cameras. So, I had an expectation of quality from them. Second, I’m pretty much a filter snob. I use a UV filter on all of my lenses as a combination image improvement step and a protective measure.Those things being said, there are three basic filters that photographers should carry: UV/protective, neutral density, and circular polarizer. It’s convenient if more than one of your lenses use the same filter size, because you can just swap between lenses and sometimes stack them. The 55mm size I got works on two families of the vintage lenses I shoot with, and I had been lazy about getting the ND and polarizer to use with them, so this was a way to solve more than one problem. (This kit is available to fit a wide range of filter thread size).I mentioned that I’m a filter snob. If you’re putting an extra glass surface between you and your subject, you don’t want it to reduce your image quality. For this reason, I’ve always used multilayer antireflective-coated filters. On first inspection, the K&F Concept obviously has a high quality coating. They are labeled “HMC,” which is a designation used by one of the major filter companies. It may be that that company makes these for K&F; if so, that validates the quality for sure. Looking through them, they are optically excellent. The filter rim is made with two knurled gripping areas to make it easy to install and remove. (These may interfere with installing some old-school lens caps that fit down over the barrel of the lens rather than clipping on) The polarizer rotates smoothly, and the ND4 is correct for a two-stop light reduction. The included case makes it easy to have the filters ready in your camera kit.I like lens pens. Having a clean lens brush handy is a necessity if you shoot in the real world. But the cleaning tip is kind of amazing: It’s like having a microfiber magic wand to safely remove smudges from your optical surfaces.So, overall I think this is a really nice kit and a great value. You can buy lesser filters for more money for sure. Consider the lens pen a surprise gift.
Accoppiamento perfetto Fuji x mount
Accoppiamento perfetto Fuji x mount
K&F Concept Contax/Yashica (C/Y) NEX E-Mount
tutto ok, grazie
Related Faq
This adapter also compatible with Nikkor Ai Ai-S lenses?
funziona da Sony A mount a E mount?
Mit dem Ihrer Frage zugeordneten Adapter Minolta(AF) - NEX können A-Mount-Objektive an Sony E-Mount Kameras angeschlossen werden. Es ist jedoch ein manueller Adapter (kein AF usw.). Manuelle Fokus-Einstellung am Objektiv (ggf. mit Unterstützung von Sonys MF-Peaking der Kamera), manuelle Blendeneinstellung (nicht exakt) soweit mir bekannt mit dem "Lock -Open" Ring des Adapters 
Sono offerti due adattatori per lenti nikon a sony e-mount. qual è la differenza?
Le differenze sono che ci sono anche diverse varianti di obiettivi Nikon. Ci sono articoli molto lunghi su questo su Internet, che non voglio ripetere. Quindi devi guardare che tipo di obiettivo Nikon hai e poi decidere su uno degli adattatori. Oppure, se hai obiettivi Nikon molto diversi, come me, acquistali entrambi. Questo prodotto è incredibilmente economico rispetto ad altre offerte. Li uso per vari abbinamenti perché fotografo con Sony e Fuji oltre che con Nikon. Quindi la mia raccomandazione di fondo sarebbe: compra entrambi. 
Ho un obiettivo pentax senza anello dei diaframmi (apertura elettronica), posso utilizzare questo adattatore per la mia fotocamera Sony?
con l'anello d'argento posso chiudere il diaframma dell'obiettivo per gradi. Per mettere a fuoco, invece, dovresti aprire il diaframma manualmente. Il mio PK funziona bene sulla mia Fuji. 
So, if I have different mm Nikon lenses, can I "stack" these rings to, say, 67mm and then buy only 67mm filters for all my stepped-up lenses?
Yes. You can stack them to increase/decrease to the size you need. 
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