Outdoor Motion Light With Camera
Ultra-thin portable mini two-color LED fill light, 3000K-6500K adjustable brightness, built-in 3000mah battery, can be used for mobile phones, cameras, camcorders to fill light
Ultra-thin portable mini two-color LED fill light, 3000K-6500K adjustable brightness, built-in 3000mah battery, can be used for mobile phones, cameras, camcorders to fill light
99,31€ Save 42,32€ Instantly
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K&F Concept 10 '' Selfie Ring Light con supporto Supporto per telefono per videocamera Vlog Video Smartphone YouTube Autoritratto Trucco Ripresa Streaming live
K&F Concept 10 '' Selfie Ring Light con supporto Supporto per telefono per videocamera Vlog Video Smartphone YouTube Autoritratto Trucco Ripresa Streaming live
19,99€ Save Instantly
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Mini luce ad anello LED da scrivania portatile, 3200-5500K con batteria da 1000 mAh per streaming live, trucco, YouTube, TikTok, luce ad anello LED dimmerabile per telefoni iPhone e Android
Mini luce ad anello LED da scrivania portatile, 3200-5500K con batteria da 1000 mAh per streaming live, trucco, YouTube, TikTok, luce ad anello LED dimmerabile per telefoni iPhone e Android
79,99€ Save 20,00€ Instantly
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V02 Mic Light, 2 in 1 LED Camera Fill Light con Dual Stereo Mic, 360° Full Color Photo Light, 4000mAh Ricaricabile, CRI 95+, 2500-9000K, Dimmerabile Panel Fill Light
V02 Mic Light, 2 in 1 LED Camera Fill Light con Dual Stereo Mic, 360° Full Color Photo Light, 4000mAh Ricaricabile, CRI 95+, 2500-9000K, Dimmerabile Panel Fill Light
90,99€ Save 20,00€ Instantly
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Stabilizzatore cardanico per smartphone con luce di riempimento rimovibile, selfie stick wireless retrattile e treppiede, telecomando multifunzionale rimovibile, rotazione automatica a 360°, compatibile con iPhone Android
Stabilizzatore cardanico per smartphone con luce di riempimento rimovibile, selfie stick wireless retrattile e treppiede, telecomando multifunzionale rimovibile, rotazione automatica a 360°, compatibile con iPhone Android
85,99€ Save 44,00€ Instantly
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Adattatore per Obiettivi Exakta a Fotocamere Leica M
Adattatore per Obiettivi Exakta a Fotocamere Leica M
29,99€ Save Instantly
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58mm Marco Reverse Adapter Ring + Lens Mount Protection Ring + 58mm Slim UV Filter + Cleaning Cloth
58mm Marco Reverse Adapter Ring + Lens Mount Protection Ring + 58mm Slim UV Filter + Cleaning Cloth
18,99€ Save Instantly
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Telecamera sportiva impermeabile a doppio schermo 4K60FPS supporto telecomando WIFI telecomando anti-shake nero
Telecamera sportiva impermeabile a doppio schermo 4K60FPS supporto telecomando WIFI telecomando anti-shake nero
135,99€ Save 49,00€ Instantly
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Related Reviews
Robert J
Funziona benissimo!
I filtri ND sono ideali per ottenere effetti di motion blur, riprodurre immagini più fedeli e aggiungere effetti di striature di oggetti in movimento.
Perfetto per gli amanti dell'outdoor
Questo telescopio monoculare leggero 20-60X60 HD è perfetto per gli amanti dell'outdoor. Può essere facilmente utilizzato come dispositivo autonomo o collegato a un telefono cellulare. La qualità dell'immagine è perfetta. La foto numero 2 è stata il mio primo test scattato con l'iPhone 11 Pro di notte a circa 15 piedi di distanza. È ancora molto chiaro.
Jamie Blagg
Buona qualità, vestibilità perfetta
Funziona alla grande per il motion blur
Dixie Normous
nice vision
These binoculars are an amazing way for me to see wildlife when I am out camping as I can clearly see with the 5x digital zoom capabilities! I also like that hese high-tech binoculars have a neck strap for portability. I also like that I can view things in dim conditions near dawn and dusk or for astronomy purposes. The 4K Video resolution delivers excellent light transmission that allows for a very crisp and clear viewing.

The tough material that it is made of provides protection and prevents any kind of long term oxidizing which can ensure the durability to withstand the various elements like rain or fog. It also has a built-in 850nm IR illuminator that allowed me to observe targets that were yards away clearly in complete darkness without any ambient light. It also has 7 levels of adjustable IR brightness that provide optimal visibility at night. Also, I like the long battery life lasting with hours of working time using this rechargeable cell of 4000mAh.

I also like that the night vision goggles comes with a 34GB card which enables me to video shoot and image capture thousands of photos. I also like that the video and photo files saved in the internal memory can be transferred to a computer via wired connection or to a phone via an SD card adapter. The instructions were easy to follow and after a few minutes of trying out the different features I have to say I am really impressed with this product.
outdoor camera excellent
Nicholas Calderone
A high-quality piece of glass that is budget-friendly
When photography became more than a hobby for me, I started collecting various accessories to make my camera package more complete. One of the elements I found to be essential was a good set of filters for my camera. I started collecting UV filters of various brands, but when it came to an ND filter, I was a little pickier. First of all, I wanted one that was budget-friendly as well as well-made. I finally found what I was looking for in the 77mm ND1000 Filter from K&F Concept.This filter is available in a variety of sizes from 58mm-82mm. The ND1000 is made with premium Japan Optics glass and an aluminum alloy frame. It’s slim, lightweight and the extra tough frame ensures long-term durability and prevents jamming. The filter features a top level of transmittance and does not have color cast. The 18-layer multi-resistant coating reduces lens flare and ghosting while also making the filter scratch resistant, water repellant, and oil and dust resistant. The multi-coating process also makes it possible for users to achieve super slow shutter speeds in daylight to render moving objects invisible. Because it’s an ND1000 filter, you have the option to reduce the amount of light in a photo by 10 and effectively reduce light reflections while improving the overall image quality.The filter arrived in a very secure, hard plastic case. It was easy to open, but keeps the filter safe from environmental factors when it’s not in use. It stores easily alongside my camera in my camera backpack. The general purpose of this type of filter is to provide users with a strong neutral density (ND) filter which reduces the amount of light hitting the camera’s sensor by about 1000 times. The ND1000 is an extreme version of the neutral density filter as many of them are typically only 3-stops in strength.I wanted this filter specifically for outdoor, long-exposure photography. I thought this filter would help me to have a wider variety of shots when using the same photography equipment that I normally do. My favorite all-purpose lens is the Canon EF 24-105mm. This is a 77mm lens and so I selected the 77mm size filter from K&F Concept. The filter fits perfectly on the 24-105mm lens I mentioned before. I didn’t have any issues with it fitting or screwing into place. This has been an issue for me in the past with some other filters.I tested the filter in a few different ways. First, I held the filter up to the lens without screwing it onto the lens. This showed the difference between the image with the filter and the image with the filter. With this type of test, you can clearly see a correctly exposed image and one that is darkened quite a bit with showing only the ‘hot’ spots of light in the photo. After taking a few shots with the filter installed on my camera, I noticed that there were no edge vignetting issues at all. The glass seems to be of high quality since I didn’t notice any ghosting issues either.The ND1000 Filter from K&F Concept is a very nice option for a budget-friendly, high-quality piece of glass. It’s been very useful for me and a great addition to my camera kit. If you are looking for an ND1001 filter, I can recommend this one from K&F Concept as opposed to one from another manufacturer that might cost an arm and a leg.
Giancarlo S.
Ottimo la ricarica della Gopro dal Gimbal
Speravo che il video del Motion Time Lapse iniziasse a registrare in automatico.
Telecamera ottima, buono il pannello solare
Ottima in tutto, Motion Detection e anche visione notturna. La consiglio. Unica pecca, se pecca si può chiamare è il pannello solare che ricevendo per pochissimo tempo i raggi solari durante la giornata non riesce a garantire la carica al 100% della telecamera, scaricandosi dopo 10 giorni. Problema risolto ovviamente con un caricabatteria da cellulare.
Related Faq
Se installo un filtro ND sotto il filtro micro-light, si verificherà una vignettatura su un obiettivo da 24 mm f (16 mm aps c)?
Dopo test di laboratorio, è garantito che non si verifica vignettatura all'estremità da 16 mm quando si utilizza la Nikon Z 7 con il Nikor 14-30 mm Sline. 
Per quali situazioni di ripresa è adatto il filtro Star Light?
Scatti di gioielli, acqua, luci notturne e lampioni possono creare effetti visivi unici e fantastici. 
C'è un modo per cancellare o riformattare la scheda di archiviazione mentre si è in camera?
Sì, scorri attraverso il menu fino a quando non vieni a riformattare! 
After one month of use, the camera will no longer read my sd card, what do you suggest I do now?
Try formatting the card. Then try using a different card and if those don't work, return/seek warranty! 
La trail camera viene fornita con la scheda di memoria?
No, non include la scheda di memoria. Si prega di preparare una scheda MICRO SD (TF) di marca originale, CLASSE 10, meno di 256 GB. Formattare la scheda di memoria sul computer quando la si utilizza per la prima volta e non inserire o estrarre la scheda SD quando la fotocamera è accesa. 
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