Outdoor Light Ring
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Perfetto per gli amanti dell'outdoor
Questo telescopio monoculare leggero 20-60X60 HD è perfetto per gli amanti dell'outdoor. Può essere facilmente utilizzato come dispositivo autonomo o collegato a un telefono cellulare. La qualità dell'immagine è perfetta. La foto numero 2 è stata il mio primo test scattato con l'iPhone 11 Pro di notte a circa 15 piedi di distanza. È ancora molto chiaro.
La mia prima Ring light!
Essendo la mia prima ring dal non averla a utilizzarla sicuramente è migliorativo.. la utilizzo principalmente per la postazione trucco e non sono avvezza a fare selfie o video.. quello lo farò con la mia passione in cucina per foto di ricette e piatti.
Rechargeable for the win!
The night vision goggle works great! I like how fast it turns on, probably 3-4 seconds top. This is important when I need to catch the raccoon that visits my yard. The goggle also uses rechargeable battery. This is much better than burning through AA batteries. The night vision works pretty well. I can see stuff in color with just a bit of ambient light. When I flip on IR mode, I can see everything clearly in black and white. The front have a strong IR light, kinda reminds me of the terminator. It’s pretty awesome looking at night. It’s small and portable. I’m very happy with it.
Great night vision for the price.
Bought this item on sale which cost about $120. I feel the sale price should become the new price for this unit. The item is great and does what it claims, however the material which is plastic feels very thin. Feels like it will break from a one time drop. Everything else is as expected and more. The image quality is great once you focus the manual lens. The night vision is the whole purpose of this device and it delivers on it. It has a very strong IR light which has 7 different levels of brightness. The only downside to the IR light is it drains the battery pretty fast at hight levels. You adjust the IR light yourself, but the device also controls the IR light levels based on the level of the battery which I thought was cool. Basically if your battery is running low and you want to use Max brightness for IR light the device won't let you in a means to save battery power. Last thing you want is to run out of power in the darkness.

These are binoculars so the lens is already magnified to see far meaning you don't really zoom the unit in much you only really focus it to see further away. This is good for hunting, but I wanted a night vision type device to see what's right Infront of me like a normal camera. I plan on replacing the lens it comes with with another lens. To my surprise the lens does screw off, but I don't realize there was a set screw working as a stopper and kinda broke the tiny screw. No big deal as the lens can still screw on. I plan on using some CCTV camera lenses and see if it works well or not. If not I can always install the original lens. Will update and post images once that happens unless I forget.
Dixie Normous
nice vision
These binoculars are an amazing way for me to see wildlife when I am out camping as I can clearly see with the 5x digital zoom capabilities! I also like that hese high-tech binoculars have a neck strap for portability. I also like that I can view things in dim conditions near dawn and dusk or for astronomy purposes. The 4K Video resolution delivers excellent light transmission that allows for a very crisp and clear viewing.

The tough material that it is made of provides protection and prevents any kind of long term oxidizing which can ensure the durability to withstand the various elements like rain or fog. It also has a built-in 850nm IR illuminator that allowed me to observe targets that were yards away clearly in complete darkness without any ambient light. It also has 7 levels of adjustable IR brightness that provide optimal visibility at night. Also, I like the long battery life lasting with hours of working time using this rechargeable cell of 4000mAh.

I also like that the night vision goggles comes with a 34GB card which enables me to video shoot and image capture thousands of photos. I also like that the video and photo files saved in the internal memory can be transferred to a computer via wired connection or to a phone via an SD card adapter. The instructions were easy to follow and after a few minutes of trying out the different features I have to say I am really impressed with this product.
Kathleen Kato
Godt greb
Grip on ring gør det nemt at skrue på og af.
outdoor camera excellent
Cuffie buone ma non idonee per allenamenti Outdoor
Le cuffie offrono un buon rapporto qualità prezzo ed hanno un egregio sound che insonorizza l’ambiente circostante. L’unico appunto è che non sono perfettamente aderenti all’orecchio e la loro instabilità le rende non utilizzabili durante un allenamento Outdoor in quanto potrebbero facilmente cadere e perdersi; ciò non toglie che siano utili per le lunghe passeggiate dove i ritmi sono molto più bassi e non si hanno scossoni.
Related Faq
Se installo un filtro ND sotto il filtro micro-light, si verificherà una vignettatura su un obiettivo da 24 mm f (16 mm aps c)?
Dopo test di laboratorio, è garantito che non si verifica vignettatura all'estremità da 16 mm quando si utilizza la Nikon Z 7 con il Nikor 14-30 mm Sline. 
Per quali situazioni di ripresa è adatto il filtro Star Light?
Scatti di gioielli, acqua, luci notturne e lampioni possono creare effetti visivi unici e fantastici. 
La fotocamera può essere messa su un programma di registrazione fisso, come dalle 8:0" am alle 10:00 am?
Si può e si può anche specificare quali giorni della settimana attivare il programma 
Viene fornito con un copriobiettivo magnetico?
No, il copriobiettivo esistente funzionerà comunque. 
After one month of use, the camera will no longer read my sd card, what do you suggest I do now?
Try formatting the card. Then try using a different card and if those don't work, return/seek warranty! 
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