Fotocamera Per Time Lapse
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Related Reviews
recommended companion for night time camping, backpacking trip
I have a line of big trees and bushes in front of my apartment. Over the winter, I could see the activities of squirrel moving on the trees and fox nearby from my balcony. I was then interested to get this night vision googles to observe their night activity more closely if possible. Over the limited time I have used this product, I am pretty impressed with the clarity offered by its IR vision and also its zooming capabilities.
For comparison, I have shared a picture of a branch of a tree across a parking lot from my balcony taken during daytime, night time through surrounding ambient light, and through IR camera. The clarity in IR vision is impressive which cannot be observed by naked eye. Due to thick foliage in trees during summer, I am still to capture any wildlife activity, but I am hopeful. :)
The shortcomings if I can highlight is that when we take the photo, it is not that clear as compared to what we can see through video (as shared). This is likely due to motion blurring while pressing the capture button on top. Having the buttons on side could likely help to reduce the effect. And also mounting the googles on tripod while taking pictures, videos will provide more stability, so even providing a small tripod as accessories could also add to its value.
Nevertheless, I feel this will be a great companion for night camping, backpacking, and even hunting if taken along.
Andrea Millymaki
Robusto per l'applicazione
Per fotocamera e livello laser
Surprised of the overall quality
Fascinating product. My first impression depends on how well the manufacturer packed its product. In this case, I was very much impressed, as the images will show. It tells me the manufacturer cares about their product and it will arrive fully intact. Good job! I was surprised by the weight of the product, it feels solid and durable.

Included was a user manual, microscope monomer and base, charging cable, five sample specimen slides, five blank slides and two magnetic specimen fixation clips. You’re required to download the DL Scope app for IOS/Android devices. App is also available for PC.

The User Manual was easy to read/understand. Installation was simple, I was up and running in no time, there were no hiccups.

Once I installed the app I turned on the unit and connected to the microscope Wi-Fi and was set, the microscope image appeared. I couldn’t wait to use one of the sample specimen slides. I was amazed the way I could zoom into the specimen with clarity. I experimented with several of my own specimens and I was not disappointed in the least.

I spent a lot of time with this product and I have no negative comments.
Lysimachos Rozik
Good quality, easy installation, value for money product
After a long time I spent, searching for the best value for money baby monitor, I ended up buying motorola Halo+ 780p.

Pros: The package arrived on time and in great condition.
Installation was quite easy.
Monitor quite decent.
Good quality

Con's: The app took sometime to install and sychronize the Halo with the phone.
I think that the microphone is a little bit too sensitive. Even when I talk with my wife in our room, the microphone identifies our conversation even though it is placed in the nursery room. I cannot change the sensitivity of the microphone.

Conclusion: I am quite satisfied, I would recommend it to others for sure.
Crystal clear baby cam!
Had to wait for some time for this cam to arrive, but it was worth the wait. It’s a cute baby cam designed as penguin. The monitor itself is a 5 inch monitor which is crystal clear. It could be made slightly less bulky and lighter. Night mode works tremendously well as well as the two way communication. Battery life seems decent so far, only had to charge it once so far. When charging whilst the monitor off, it should indicate how much has charged and when charge is complete. Overall pleased with the product.
Very good combo of filters
This is the first time I am buying filters and I am very satisfied with this purchase. Very good for my Olympus 25 and 45mm.
L. Denali
Quality Filter at a good price
I received this filter several days ago at time of this review. My initial impression was pleasure in seeing how good the quality was in the box the filter arrived in from K&F. It is a very sturdy case that can be carried in your bag without any issue.The actual filter is extremely sturdy and feels very nice to the touch. The material almost feels like ceramic for the ring and a nice piece of glass for the actual filter. So far, I have no complaints with this filter.
Chris partito
Per i soldi, questa è un'ottima fotocamera!
Tutto sommato un'ottima fotocamera per il prezzo!
Related Faq
La telecamera è impermeabile? Può essere utilizzato in condizioni invernali come prendere time lapseprinture fuori sulla neve?
La fotocamera stessa non è impermeabile, quindi non può essere utilizzata sott'acqua. La custodia protettiva, il cappuccio e il filtro UV proteggeranno la fotocamera dagli elementi come neve e pioggia. L'uso prolungato della fotocamera in condizioni climatiche estreme non è raccomandato. Come la maggior parte dei prodotti elettronici, la durata della batteria diminuirà in condizioni estreme di freddo. Contattaci per l'abilità avanzata di utilizzare la nostra fotocamera in tempo innevato. 
1.Can una telecamera time-lapse registrare cose utili al buio?
Impossibile caricare il video 
Quanti giorni durerà questa fotocamera dsoon time lapse se uso solo quattro batterie alcaline?
Gentile cliente: Se definisci la nostra macchina fotografica time-lapse come un modo per scattare una foto in 5 secondi da combinare in un video registrato, è possibile eseguire la macchina per circa 2 mesi con l'uso di nuovissime batterie alcaline 4 AA. Ma quello che devi assicurarti è la tua scheda di memoria. La dimensione del video formato sotto gli attributi impostati è inferiore al volume della scheda di memoria. Altrimenti, la scheda TF si spegnerà automaticamente quando le informazioni memorizzate sono saturate. Spero che la nostra risposta ti sia utile. Auguri, Dsoon. 
Qual è la differenza tra l'impostazione automatica e manuale del time lapse?
Ci sono preset in modalità automatica. 
Posso impostare il time lapse come 1 secondo?
Secondo le istruzioni, è abbastanza flessibile in modalità manuale. Personalmente non l'ho fatto. 
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